
Collection of Clothing.

The Student Volunteer Committee makes the following announcement:

"It is proposed to make a general collection of clothing on Wednesday, June 12th, in order to give students an opportunity to dispose of such extra clothing as they may have, before leaving Cambridge for the vacation.

"The charitable agencies of Boston are in need of clothing at all seasons of the year.

"Any clothing in condition to be serviceable will be accepted: outer garments, underwear, hats, gloves, shoes, overshoes, neckwear, etc.

"On the day named, two collections will be made at the following hours: 1.30-2.30 p.m., 7-8 p.m., when men are requested to have what they wish to give in readiness. Any who expect to be away at those hours can put what they have to give outside their rooms, or deliver it to the porter."

