
Harvard-Yale Yacht Races.

By request the following is again printed:

A series of yacht races, in connection with the crew races, has been started between Harvard and Yale. Last year Yale won; this year every effort will be made to bring Harvard out ahead. Yale has a slight handicap in being so near New London, therefore it is doubly necessary for us to have as many boats there as possible. There are five classes:

1. Sloops from 35 to 40 ft. l. w. l.

2. Sloops from 30 to 35 ft. l. w. l.

3. Sloops from 26 to 30 ft. l. w. l.


4. Sloops below 26 ft. l. w. l.

5. Cats from 18 to 26 ft. l. w. l.

The classes for sloops include also cutters, schooners, knockabouts, and jib-and-mainsail boats. No fins are allowed under 30 ft. Any one not a member of the Yacht Club, who has a boat is any of the above classes which he can possibly have at New London in time for the race, will be duly elected a member, if he will kindly write to

BROOKS FROTHINGHAM, Sec.,11 Hilton's Block.It is important that this should be done as although others may compete for prizes, no one but a member of the club, sailing his own boat, can count for points.
