ALL students desiring light, pleasant and lucrative employment for whole or part of the summer call any day between 11 and 12 at 44 Brattle street, room 2.
FOUND. - A sum of money last week. Address
J. T. HUGHES,51 Perkins Hall."Entre Nous" says in Wednesday's Boston Herald: "That Amazon march in the last act of "The Beggar Student" at the Castle Square Theatre is one of agreeable surprise. The admirable marching of these pretty girls really takes one by storm. "She-who-is-to-be-Obeyed" holds her head up like an antelope, and is quite as agile as that beautiful animal. It was observed on the opening night that one of these fair warriors looked like a certain Boston beauty who has achieved some distinction by her capture of foreign celebrities to ornament her "afternoons," but of course it is only a resemblance, though a close one. At any rate it is not safe to disbelieve in "dopple-gangers" when two women could play in a 'Comedy of Errors' and deceive their best friends."
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