

THE following men please be at Sanders Theatre tonight at 7.15 to usher for Boylston Prizes speaking. Dress suits should be worn. M. G. Gonterman, E. W. Ames, W. T. Denison, L. B. Murdock, I. W. Kingsbury, W. W. Orr, J. C. Fairchild, W. B. Rogers, R. B. Williams, P. M. Hamlen.

R. W. EMMONS, 2ND.'95 NINE. - Game with '96 today. The following men must get examined and be on Holmes Field at 3 p.m. sharp: Phelan, Rogers, Cassatt, Brown, Bigelow, Bent, McAdams, Reed, Bacon, Goodwin, Russell, Walker, Eaton.

I. S. ADAMS, Capt.THE following men be dressed to play '95 on Holmes Field at 3.30 sharp: Ames, O'Malley, Wrenn, Whittemore, Hoppin, Paine, McCarthy, Selfridge, Fuller, Codman, Macurdy, Bowser, Hamilton. If any man has not been examined he must do so at 2 o'clock.

F. W. GRIFFIN.ALL candidates for the '97 baseball team be out today without fail at 3.30. Any man who is unable to come speak to me personally beforehand. Game with Cambridge High.

W. L. GARRISON, JR., Capt.THE photograph of the '96 Signet will be taken Friday, May 10, at 1.30 p.m., behind Sever Hall. All members must be present.


E. M. HURLEY, Sec.FRESHMAN BANJO REHEARSAL. - Important rehearsal in Matthews 6 at 4.30 p.m.

R. B. FLERSHEM, Leader.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - The ninth shoot for the Smith gun will be held this afternoon at 2. Postponement in case of rain will be posted at Leavitt's before 1.30 p.m.

WENDELL PHILLIPS CLUB. - The annual photograph will be taken in the rear of Sever today at 1.30 p.m.

DEUTSCHER VEREIN. - Meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in the D. U. rooms. Selections will be read by members of the Verein.

