During the past week the University has been most fortunate in the opportunity of hearing addresses by two most eminent men. Colonel Thomas Wentworth Higginson spoke Tuesday evening to a large and enthusiastic audience upon his friend Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Joseph Jefferson gave an informal talk on "Acting and the Drama," in the Art School on Thursday. The room was crowded to its utmost capacity and the speaker was given a rousing reception.
The sophomores and freshmen have elected their representatives to give and accept the Fence on the last day of the term. C. B. DeCamp was chosen from '97 and W. N. Vaile from '98.
Yale has met another defeat in joint debating - this time from Princeton. The contest Wednesday evening was extremely close and the decision of the judges was not unanimous. The Yale Union in not discouraged but believes that with the rapid improvement in debating here the long line of defeats will be broken before very long.
The most exciting interclass baseball game in years was played on Friday between the senior and junior nines, resulting in an easy victory for the latter by a score of 12 to 4. Both classes had bands on the field and vied with each other in making noisy demonstrations in favor of their teams. During the game the seniors made a successful attempt to capture the large '96 flag and, in turn, the '95 flag was captured but re-taken. The whole contest brought out a fine display of class feeling and will be long remembered.
The new coxswain's pump for the practice shell of the University crew has been put into practical use and its efficiency exceeds the most sanguine hopes of its inventor, Captain Armstrong. It throws about eight gallons of water from the shell per minute and interferes in no way with the motion of the boat. All the crews are on Lake Whitney practicing for the interclass races which take place on Wednesday.
The annual open handicap athletic games held Saturday afternoon were a great success. Yale has no wonders in the athletic field but must depend upon the general excellence of her men in the Yale-Harvard and intercollegiate contests.
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