The fifth annual tournament of the Interscholastic Tennis Association was started on Saturday on the courts on Holmes and Jarvis fields. The entry list was larger than ever before, and the playing was on the whole good. The match continued as far as the fourth round, and will be finished to-day, the semi-finals beginning at 10 o'clock and the finals at 2. A meeting of the association was held during the morning, and L. Ware was elected president for next year, and S. Lewis vice president.
The men who will contest in the semifinals are Fitz of Newton High School, Whitman of Hopkinson's, Ware of Roxbury Latin, and Butters of Concord High. All of these men did some good playing during the day, and the finals should be very interesting. Ware is last year's champion, but is not quite up to his old form. Whitman won his five matches with only the loss of two games, and may give Ware a hard fight.
Newton High has already won 14 matches and cannot be beaten for the school championship. Hopkinson and Roxbury Latin each won 11 games.
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