

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal to-night at 7 o'clock sharp.

H. C. TAYLOR, Sec.CRIMSON. - The photograph of the board including all old editors now in the senior class will be taken at Pach's on Monday next at 1.45 sharp.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal today at 5 o'clock.

W. MCKITTRICK, Sec.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - Important rehearsal today at 4.30 in Matthews 6.

S. S. HINDS.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. - There will be a special car in front of the Cooperative at 6.45 P. M. Every man be there promptly at this time.


E. WADSWORTH, Sec.The following men be dressed to play '97 on Holmes Field at 3.30 p. m. sharp: Cozzens, Brown, Haskell, Manning, Walker, Hall, Vincent, McVey, Edmunds, Goodridge, Chandler, Foster, Slade, Holt.

B. H. HAYES.HARVARD LAWN TENNIS CLUB. - Meeting of executive committee at 8.00 p. m. in 32 Reads Block.

A. CODMAN, Sec.HARVARD LAWN TENNIS CLUB. - Shingles may be obtained at Thurston's. All holders of season tickets ($5.00) for '94-5, or of commutation tickets ($2.50) dated May 3 or after, may receive shingles.

'97 BASEBALL. - The following men to be at Holmes Field, at 3.30 sharp this afternoon, dressed to play: Scott, Gregory, Burden, Perry, Saunders, Hill, Fox, Stevens, Anderson, Lord, Turner, Prescott, Gray, Beale, Martin, Abbott, Sullivan.

W. L. GARRISON, JR., Capt.WHIST CLUB. - Will the following men meet at 5 Matthews this evening promptly at 7 to complete the organizations of the Harvard Whist Club: W. T. Gunnison, A. D. Salinger, E. K. Hall, M. B. Jones, C. D. Booth, W. T. Denison, J. D. Arnold, E. Mellus, M. E. Ingalls, T. L. Ross, G. A. Gray, J. T. Whicher, E. W. Ryerson, E. H. Brown, J. Smith, Jr., C. E. Smith, F. N. Morrill.


TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE.LACROSSE. - Every candidate must be out today at 4 o'clock sharp. Positively no excuse for absence will be accepted. Even if a man is unable to play, team work can still be developed.

R. H. E. STARR, Capt.CRICKET ELEVEN. - All candidates for the cricket eleven be on Soldiers Field today at 3.30. Closets can be procured in the Soldiers Field building.


P. H. CLARK, Capt.
