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This afternoon the first game of the class baseball series is played between Ninety-seven and Ninety-eight. It promises to be very interesting. Whatever may be said of the sophomores, the freshmen are able, and probably willing, to play a fine game.

There is no reason to expect any lack of enthusiasm on the part of the two classes; in fact, there is more danger of too much than of too little. The supporters of the class nines too often let their feelings of partisanship get the better of them. They encourage or discourage the different players with extreme personalities which would be far more in place in the scrub championship, and through their eagerness, doubtless, to lose no point in the play, often crowd so closely upon the field as to interfere seriously with the game. Nothing could be farther from our wish than to see the enthusiasm checked which is the life of the class games, but this over-zealousness which threatens to be the death of them should surely be restrained.
