

LACROSSE. - The following men must be in front of Memorial Hall at six o'clock, all ready to start for Ithaca: Sand, Scott, Starr, Woods, Morrison, F. Outerbridge, Leighton, Beecher, Burley, Ames, S. Outerbridge and Horne. The team leaves the Union station at 6.50.

R. H. E. STARR.HARVARD RIFLES. - The Inspector General from Washington will be in Cambridge Monday to inspect the Harvard Rifles. All members should be at the armory promptly at 4.45.

ALL who have been teachers this year at the Social Union please meet at the Social Union building for a short conference this evening at 7.15 sharp.

HARRY S. ROBERTS.CRICKET ELEVEN. - The following men will be at Leavitt's to go to Longwood to play Haverford at 10 o'clock: Pool, Hastings, Comfort, Parker, Kennedy, Adams, Richardson, Gray, Scott, Morgan.

P. H. CLARK, Capt.CHESS CLUB. - The Harvard Chess Club will hold its last formal meeting in the spring term at the rooms of the Boston Chess Club, 18 Boylston Place, Boston, on Friday evening, May 24. A team match will be played, in which it is highly desirable that all the following men shall take part:


Shoenfeld, Lewis, Mackaye, Hewins, Van Kleeck, Davis, Fay, Ryder, Peck, Barnard, Elson, Mumford, Dunn, Ffoulke, Johnson, Spalding, Ozanne, Webster.

Take the 7 o'clock car from Harvard Square.

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E. E. SOUTHARD, Sec.A list of seniors whose photographs are ready for the Portfolio is posted in University. This list will be corrected each day until May 23. After this day no more pictures will be received. The absence of any senior's picture in this year's Portfolio will be due to himself.

W. B. WOLFFE, Editor.
