
Meeting of Overseers.

At a special meeting of the board of overseers of Harvard College held at the rooms, 50 State street, yesterday, President Lincoln in the chair, it was voted to concur with the President of the Fellows in making the following appointments:

Theobald Smith, M.D., professor of applied zoology; J. G. Jack, lecturer at the Arnold Arboretum, for the calendar year of 1895. Special chemical instructors in the summer courses for 1895, J. T. Bowen, M.D., in dermatology; J. W. Elliot, M.D., in surgery; and E. W. Dwight, M.D., in Pathology.

F. H. Davenport, M.D., assistant professor of gynereology for five years from Sept. 1, 1895.

J. H. Ropes, A.B., instructor in New Testament criticisms and interpretation for three years from Sept. 1, 1895; Charles B. Gulick, Ph.D., instructor in Greek for one year from Sept. 1, 1895; H. L. Smythe, A.B., C.E., assistant professor of mining for five years from Sept. I, 1895; A. B. Nichols, A.B., D.B., instructor in German from Sept. 1, 1895.

The board adjourned to May 29.

