

Nominations for Appointments for 1895-96 Made by the Faculty.

The following nominations for scholarships in the Graduate school for 1895-96 were made at the last meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences:

The Shattuck Scholarships; founded in 1854, with an income of three hundred dollars each:

Jonathan Bailey Browder, A.B. Vanderbilt Univ. 1892, A.M. Ibid. 1893; first year Graduate School; Shattuck Scholar; Classical Philology. (Re-appointment.)

George Davis Chase, A.B. 1889; first year Graduate School; Classical Philology.

Francis Franklin Davis, S.B. Haverford College 1893; A.M. Ibid. 1894; first year Graduate School; Shattuck Scholar; Mathematics. (Re-appointment.)


Frank Edgar Farley, A.B. 1893; A.M. 1894; second year Graduate School; Assistant in English; English and Germanic Philology.

James Thomas Pugh, A.B. Univ. of N. C. 1893, A.M. Ibid. 1894; Instructor and Gr. Stud. Univ. of N. C.; Classical Philology.

Frederick Hollister Safford, S.B. Mass. Inst. of Tech. 1888, A.M. Harvard 1894; second year Graduate School; Town-send Scholar; Mathematics. (Promotion.)

Frederick Wilson Truscott, A.B. Indiana Univ. 1891, A.M. Harvard 1894; second year Graduate School; Shattuck Scholar; Germanic Philology. (Reappointment.)

The Thayer Scholarships; founded in 1857, with an income of three hundred dollars each: -

Asa White Kenney Billings; Senior, Harvard College; Physics.

Howard Hamblett Cook, A.B. 1893, A.M. 1894; second year Graduate School; Thayer Scholar; Economics. (Re-appointment).

Benjamin Minge Duggar, S.B. Ag. and Mech. Coll. of Miss., 1891, S.M. Ag. and Mech. Coll. of Ala. 1892, A.B. Harvard 1894; second year Graduate School; Townsend Scholar; Botany. (Promotion).

Martin Hill Ittner, Ph.B. Washington Univ., Mo. 1892, S.B. Ibid. 1894; first year Graduate School; University Scholar; Chemistry. (Promotion).

Herbert Spencer Jennings, S.B. Univ. of Mich. 1893; first year Graduate School; Assistant in Zoology; Zoology.
