
B. A. A., 83; Harvard, 35.

The B. A. A. cricket eleven defeated Harvard yesterday afternoon at Long-wood by the score of 83 to 35. Clark, Dupont, Comfort, Hastings and Pool did the bowling for Harvard.

Tomorrow the first match of the intercollegiate series takes place between Harvard and Haverford at Longwood. The game will commence at 11 a.m. and will probably last until 6 p.m. Lunch will be served on the grounds. The easiest way of getting to the Longwood grounds is to take the Tremont House cars to Copley Square and change there for a Longwood car.

The Harvard eleven will probably be Clark, Pool, Comfort, Adams, Richardson, Gray, Scott, Hastings, Kennedy, Morgan and Parker. Dupont will not be able to play.
