

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Important rehearsal tonight at 6.30 sharp.

H. C. TAYLOR, Sec.MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal today at 5 o'clock, 20 Claverly Hall.

W. MCKITTRICK, Sec.CRIMSON. - Important meeting of the board today at 1.30. Every editor must be present.

LACROSSE. - Photographs for the Portfolio will be taken back of Sever on Thursday, May 23, at 3.45 p. m. sharp. All men who went on New York trip must be there on time.

++LACROSSE. - Every man must be out at 4 o'clock sharp.



R. H. E. STARR.PIERIAN. - Men will please be ready to play this evening at 7.30 o'clock.

N. S. BACON, Sec.SHAKESPEARE CLUB. - Final meeting Wednesday, May 22, at 8.30 o'clock in W. H. 35.

J. LEONARD, Sec.HARVARD RIFLES. - There will be no drill Wednesday. The last drill this year will be held Friday, and all members are requested to leave all equipments at the armory either on Friday or the following Monday afternoon.

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E. D. FULLERTON.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. - The Rev. Chas. H. Perry will address the society on Wednesday, May 22, in 17 Grays, at 7 p. m.

H. B. HUNTINGTON, Sec.A list of seniors whose photographs are ready for the Portfolio is posted in University. This list will be corrected each day until May 23. After this day no more pictures will be received. The absence of any senior's picture in this year's Portfolio will be due to himself.

W. B. WOLFFE, Editor.HARVARD FENCING CLUB. - The club photograph will be taken on Thursday afternoon at 4.30 on the steps back of Sever.

J. C. GRAY, Secretary.MUSICAL CLUBS. - The photograph of the men who went on the Christmas trip also of those who have been on the clubs this spring, will be taken Wednesday at 1.30 behind Sever.

++HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - The following men be on Soldiers Field at 4 p. m. to shoot match with scrub team: Sargent, Lawton, Du Pont, Dove, Fincke, G. Kinnicutt, Byrd and Sterling.

CRICKET ELEVEN. - The following men will be at Leavitt's at one o'clock to go to Longwood: Pool, DuPont, Hastings, Comfort, Kennedy, Scott, Morgan, Gray, Richardson, Parker.

P. H. CLARK, Capt.
