For the first time the senior pictures in the Portfolio will be arranged in alphabetical order. Thursday, however, will be the last day that pictures will be received. Any pictures that are received after May 23, will be inserted in the end of the Portfolio but not in alphabetical order. Of the 415 men whose pictures are entitled to a place in the Portfolio, there are 50 who have not yet sat, and nearly as many more whose photographs will not be finished in time.
Seniors must understand that the time required for gelatine and half-tone work, printing, presswork, and binding, is about four weeks, after all the subjects are handed in. Hence it will be impossible to publish the book before Class Day. The editor, however, is willing to allow this delay in order to secure an accurate and complete album.
If those seniors who have not already sat will do so this week their pictures may be inserted in the end of the Portfolio.
Enough orders have come in for the Edition de Luxe on Imperial Japanese vellum with parchment covers so that this edition will be published. Any other student who may desire this extra edition must send in his order before June 1.
W. B. WOLFFE, Editor.
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