
Foxcroft Club Election.

At the annual election of officers of the Foxcroft Club last night the following men were elected for the year 1895-96: President, E. A. Howes, Jr., L. S.; vice-president, W. B. Parker, '97; secretary and treasurer, W. B. Cannon '96: directors, H. G. Wyer '96, G. S. Callender Gr., C. M. Reade L. S., H. R. Linville Gr., R. R. Hollister '97, F. R. Clow Gr., J. E. Lough Gr., P. R. Dean '96.

The contest for president was very close. The first ballot was a tie, H. G. Wyer '96 and E. A. Howes L. S., each receiving 85 votes. The next ballot was also close, 58 to 55.
