
Freshman Concert.

The freshman musical clubs gave their Cambridge concert in Brattle Hall last night. The following was the programme given:

PART I.Glee Club:

"Johnny Harvard."

"The Owl and the Pussy Cat."


De Koven.Mandolin Club:

"Vita Gaia."

Bougini.Glee Club:

"The Quaker."

E. H. Jackson, '92.Mr. Edmunds and Glee Club.

Banjo Club:

Maud S. Galop.

Grover.Glee Club:

"Ben Bolt."

PART II.Banjo Club:

"Manhattan Beach March."

Sousa.Glee Club:

"My Childhood at Home."

Pfleuger.Mr. Waterhouse and Glee Club.

Mandolin Club:

"Sueno de Amor."

Romero.Banjo Club.

"Imperial Galop."

Baxter.Glee Club:


Sawyer."Fair Harvard."

The following is a list of the members of the clubs:

Glee Club.President, G. H. Scull; vice-president, B. H. Hayes; treasurer, R. H. Carleton; secretary, E. Wadsworth; leader, T. M. Hastings.

First tenors - H. M. Woodruff, F. D. Sawin, J. A. Battis, J. R. Crocker, J. C. Whitfield, G. Pettijohn, G. W. Pierpont.

Second tenors - T. M. Hastings, J. L. Valentine, P. B. Sawyer, G. C. Ward, F. T. Hubbard, R. T. Fisher, H. D. Scott.

First basses - B. H. Hayes, G. H. Scull, J. W. Edmunds, R. H. Carleton, E. Wadsworth.

Second bases - R. McPherson, C. E. Hawkes, P. Dove, S. S. Hinds, H. Bowker, P. S. Dalton.

Banjo Club.President, S. S. Hinds; secretary and treasurer, N. Perkins; leader, R. B. Flershem.

Banjeaurines - R. B. Flershem, S. S. Hinds, N. Perkins, E. L. Millard, F. T. Case, R. M. Johnson.

Banjos - A. H. Higginson, M. S. Greenough, A. F. Barnes, A. B. Emery, C. J. Flagg.

Guitars - G. C. Ward, E. Byrnes, H. T. Hooper, L. A. Brown.

Mandolin Club.President, S. W. Fordyce, Jr.; secretary, W. H. Rand, Jr.; leader, J. De K. Towner.

First mandolins - V. Burnett, P. A. H. Van Daell, E. D. White, S. W. Fordyce, Jr.

Second mandolins - T. M. Hastings, W. R. Donaldson, Jr., F. R. Wright.

Guitars - J. De K. Towner, H. R. Hooper, G. C. Ward, W. H. Rand, Jr.

Viola - F. L. Waldo.

The following ladies acted as patronesses: Mrs. B. F. Goodrich, Mrs. Henry L. Higginson, Mrs. O. F. Wadsworth, Mrs. C. Eustis Hubbard, Mrs. William Tudor, Mrs. D. D. Slade.
