
Special Notice.

ENGLISH A AND 7, ECONOMICS 10, TUTORING. - R. E. Gregg '94, The Stanstead, 19 Ware street (near Ware Hall, one minute from the yard). Men are advised to come early.

71 18tFINE ARTS 4, History 1, 10, 11, 12, Tutoring.

W. W. NOLEN,2 Manter Hall.TUTORING in History 1, History 10, Fine Arts 4, Govt. and Law 17.


71 *tf


21 Trowbridge St.ARE you preparing for the finals? You can find pure air, cool breezes and absolute quiet at The Outlook, Arlington Heights. Forty minutes from Harvard square. Send for full particulars to Mrs. Lucy F. Perkins.

TUTORING for admission examinations, also in French, German, Spanish and Italian. Boston School of Languages, 88 Boylston street, Boston.

*yALL students desiring light, pleasant and lucrative employment for whole or part of the summer call any day between 11 and 12 at 44 Brattle street, room 2.

A THEATRE party of fifty under the auspices of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon will attend the benefit for the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital at the Park Theatre tonight. The attraction will be Louise Beaudet in "Arabian Nights." Any students who care to attend may get a reduction at the box office for this night.
