The following nominations have been made for fellowships in the Graduate School for 1895-96.
RESIDENT APPOINTMENTS.The Morgan Fellowships: -
Charles Leonard Bouton, S. M., Washington University, Mo., 1891; first year Graduate School; to study Mathematics.
Arthur Stoddard Cooley, A. B., Amherst, 1891, A. M. Harvard, 1893; third year Graduate School; to study Classical Philology.
Reginald Aldworth Daly, A. B., Victoria Univ., Ont., 1891, S. B. 1892, A. M. Harvard, 1893; third year Graduate School; Assistant in Geology; to study Geology.
Boris Sidis, A. B., 1894; first year Graduate School; to study Philosophy.
The Henry Lee Memorial Fellowship: -
Guy Stevens Callender, A. B. Oberlin, 1891; A. B. Harvard, 1893; A. M. Ibid, 1894; third year Graduate School; to study Political Economy. (Re-appointment).
The Ozias Goodwin Memorial Fellowship: -
Kendric Charles Babcock, Litt. B. Univ. Minn., 1889; first year Graduate School; to study Constitutional History.
The Henry Bromfield Rogers Memorial Fellowship: -
Abram Piatt Andrew, Jr., A. B. Coll. of N. J., 1893; second year Graduate School; to study Ethics in its relations to Sociology. (Re-appointment).
NON-RESIDENT APPOINTMENTS.The place of study of the holders of these fellowships are to be approved by the several divisions or departments and by the Administrative Board of the Graduate School.
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