The address by Joseph Jefferson, under the auspices of the Harvard Union, will be given tonight in Sanders Theatre at eight o'clock. All the tickets for the lecture have been given out and the demand was so great that a number who desired tickets were disappointed. The white, blue and red tickets, which entitle the holder to seats on the floor, in the first and in the second balconies respectively, are good at the Cambridge street door of Memorial. The door will be open at 7.30. Green admission tickets are good at the Kirkland street entrance only. This door will not open until eight o'clock.
Mr. Jefferson will be introduced by President Eliot. Word has been received from Governor Greenhalge, who had accepted an invitation to be present at the lecture, that he would be unable to attend.
At the reception which will be tendered Mr. Jefferson by ex-Governor Russell after the address, several of the officers and members of the Harvard Union will be present.
The following men who have consented to usher at Mr. Jefferson's address this evening must be at Sanders Theatre not later than ten minutes past seven, since it is absolutely necessary that they should know about the seats before the doors are opened: H. A. Bull '95, S. E. Johnson '95, W. R. Peabody '95, A. J. Peters '95, E. H. Warren '95, E. P. Williams '95; R. D. Wrenn '95, H. A. Addison '96, Alfred Borden '96, S. P. Delany '96, Charles Dickinson '96, H. Dibblee '96, J. A. Gade '96, M. G. Gonterman '96, H. S. Grew '96, Loring Hildreth '96, L. B. Murdock '96, J. P. Parker '96, R. D. Sterling '96, R. B. Williams '96, R. C. Davis '97, H. Endicott '97, J. P. Gately '97, H. G. Gray '97, H. R. Hughes '97, G. W. Bouve '98, Norman Cabot '98, B. H. Hayes '98, S. H. Foster L. S., J. P. Hall, L. S., M. J. Peacock. L. S., B. G. Waters L. S., C. A. Duniway, Gr.
F. H. SMITH, JR.,For the Committee.
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