

The Yale Men Put Up a Weak Game and are Beaten 15 to 8.

The Harvard and Yale junior baseball teams tried conclusions on Holmes Field Saturday afternoon, and the Harvard team came out ahead. The final score was 15 to 8.

The attendance, though not large, was still enough to give the home team a very good backing, though the game was too one-sided to keep up the cheering after the first few innings. The CRIMSON'S bulletin of the Princeton game announced the score at the end of each inning and was watched with interest until the fifth when Princeton's six runs spoiled Harvard's chances of winning the game.

Up to the end of the eighth inning Harvard led 15 to 2. Then, having a sure thing, they let up and Yale scored 6 runs, bringing their total up to eight.

Leaving out the last inning, the game was very well played indeed from a Harvard standpoint. In the last inning none of them seemed to care, especially Ames, the pitcher, whose arm was pretty well weakened by this time.

Harvard started off their half of the inning by getting four runs after two men were out and repeated the same performance in the second inning. Then they did little until the sixth, when they wound up their run getting by scoring five more.


Yale's first run was made in the second inning. Adams caught one of Ames's easy balls and sent the hottest kind of a grounder into extreme left field and made a beautiful home run.

The second run for Yale was made in the fifth. Gunther's grounder was fumbled by Wrenn. The runner got second on Peck's sacrifice - a grounder to Whittemore, and came home on a single by Hedges.

In the ninth, after two men were out, Whittemore and Wrenn both made inexcusable errors and Hedges, Colgate and Adams got a batting streak. Before the confusion was over Yale was six runs closer to Harvard than at the beginning of the inning.

The Harvard team's batting was good. They had easy work with Gunther, who pitched three innings. Then Peck came in from right field and was not so easy a mark, except in the sixth inning. McCarthy had three singles, Whittemore a triple and a single, and Paine, O'Malley and Griffin each two hits. As a rule, they came at the same time with some Yale errors, and almost invariably yielded some runs.

The Yale men made only nine hits in all, of which Hedges and Colgate each had three to their credit. Four out of the nine hits were scored in the ninth.

Ames and O'Malley really played good ball for Harvard. The pitching of Ames was what kept the score down. O'Malley watched the bases well and never let Ames' occasional wild pitches escape. Capt. Griffin gave a good exhibition at first base. Wrenn and Whittemore went to pieces toward the end, especially in that ninth inning. The Harvard outfielders had little to do in the field, but managed to hit the ball when they came to the bat.

The Yale catcher played good baseball, but neither Gunther nor Peck was equal to Ames in the pitcher's box. Colgate's work at first base was the best baseball of the afternoon. The rest of the infield was only fairly good for a class team. The outfield was particularly wretched. Several muffs of long flies will help to account for Harvard's rather long list of runs.

But, all in all, the two teams did as well as the average class teams could be expected to do.

As these teams did not meet in the days of their freshman baseball, it gave them the first chance to test their comparative powers.

The score:

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