
Special Notice.

ALL students desiring light, pleasant and lucrative employment for whole or part of the summer call any day between 11 and 12 at 44 Brattle street, room 2.

65-tfTHE repertoire for Alexander Salvini's second and last week at the Hollis has been arranged as follows: Monday, "Don Caesar de Bazan;" Tuesday, "Friend Fritz," and "Rustic Chivalry;" Wednesday night and Saturday matinee, "Ruy Blas;" Thursday and Saturday evening, "Three Guardsmen;" Friday night, "Hamlet."

FOR SALE. - A first-class polo pony, thoroughly broken to saddle and harness. Can be seen at J. A. Holmes's stable, rear 2 Central square, or address J. A., 3 West place, Cambridgeport. 69 2

WANTED, files of Lampoon, 1892-93, 1893-94, and 1894-95.

J. H. H. MCNAMEE,26a Brattle street.TUTORING for admission examinations, also in French, German, Spanish and Italian. Boston School of Languages, 88 Boylston street, Boston.


*yTAKEN from Grays Hall last evening, a New Mail bicycle, model '94. Address 32 Grays and receive reward. No questions asked.

PARTY leaving Cambridge will dispose of desk and book-case cheap. Call before May first, 13 Follen street.

56 tf
