
Crew Notes.

Yesterday afternoon it was announced that the Athletic Committee had prohibited the use of the University Boat House by any crews. This prevented any practice on the river by the class crews, and no attempt was made on the part of the 'varsity or freshman crews to begin active training again.

The action of the Athletic Committee was caused by the extraordinary epidemic of throat troubles which have developed among the crew men, and the three mild cases of scarlet fever - two in the freshman boat and one in the senior class boat. The action of the Athletic Committee is merely precautionary, awaiting a final decision as to whether the sickness has been caused by the situation of the boat house on the river bank or not.

Health Inspector of Cambridge Farnum examined the sanitary conditions and situation of the boat house and pronounced them perfectly healthy. The prohibition of the Athletic Committee will probably be continued until a final inspection of the boat house is made. It is scarcely possible that any rowing will be done by any crews until Monday next.
