

'97 BASEBALL. - Perry, Sanders, Burden, Scott, Fox, Turner, Lord, Anderson, Beale, Garrison, Martin, meet at the Harvard square car station, to go to Southboro', at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Train leaves Columbus ave. at 2.15. Any men who cannot go must report to me personally at 25 Holyoke street before 12 o'clock.

W. L. GARRISON, JR., Capt.THE following men will please meet at 74 Sparks street at 8 o'clock this evening: Heckscher, Paine, Train, Hoppin, Frothingham, Kales, Fairchild, Gade, Dickinson, Greene.

THE photograph of the '96 Signet will be taken Friday, May 10, at 1.30 p.m., behind Sever Hall. All members must be present.

E. M. HURLEY, Sec.'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal today at 5 o'clock in 1 Weld.

W. MCKITTRICK, Sec.CRICKET ELEVEN. - All candidates for the cricket eleven be on Soldiers Field today at 3.30. Closets can be procured in the Soldiers Field building.


P. H. CLARK, Capt.HARVARD ENGINEERING SOCIETY. - There will be a meeting of the Engineering Society in Room 1, L. S. S., this evening at 7.45. Several papers will be read by members of the society. As this will be the last meeting of the year, a full attendance is earnestly desired.

CHARLES J. TILDEN, Sec'y.LACROSSE. - Every candidate for the team - substitutes, especially - must be on Soldiers Field today at 4 o'clock sharp.

R. H. E. STARR.MERMAID CLUB. - Very important meeting this evening at 9.30 sharp in 18 Little's. Every member is urgently requested to be present. "Lady Windermere's Fan" will be read.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock sharp.

H. C. TAYLOR, Sec.WENDELL PHILLIPS CLUB. - The last meeting of the year and the election of officers will be held in Harvard 1, tonight at 7.30 p.m. After the meeting an informal social gathering will be held in Matthews 35 (lower floor).
