Track athletics are now absorbing much attention at Yale. The innovation of the present management in holding invitation games at which entries will be accepted from all the leading colleges and amateur athletic clubs, is meeting with thorough success. Entries have already closed for the games next Saturday. Much interest centers in two events on this occasion, the 100-yard dash and the mile walk. Yale has good men in both of these events.
Burnett, the 100 yards man, is Trainer Murphy's latest find, and he has, it is claimed, covered the distance in 10 seconds flat. He is a speedy runner and is being trained carefully. At the games next Saturday he will be pushed and be given a trial of speed with some of the best sprinters in the college world.
Thrall, the mile walker, has broken the the collegiate record of 7 min. 6 sec., and the fact that the American champion, Liebgold, has entered in the games next week will give Thrall a chance to show his best work. Thrall is backed to win the walk in the Harvard-Yale and intercollegiate games this year.
Yale's freshman hurdler, Edward C. Perkins, the Hartford boy, is speeding along in such a promising manner that the indications are that he will run the present intercollegiate champion, Cady of Yale, off his feet. Perkins gets a great start, and in the big hurdles leads Cady to the finish. Cady, Perkins and Hatch, the last another new comer in the event, are clearing the hurdles close to 16s. flat in the 120 yards.
The work of Chubb in the quarter mile run is attracting considerable attention. He is running in 51, and is in strong form.
Since the spring games last week, Yale track athletic stock has boomed, and the team is regarded as a fine one.
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