
Fact and Rumor.

The Easter vacation at Princeton will begin next Thursday.

The Yale spring regatta will take place at Lake Whitney on May 8.

The Pennsylvania-Cornell track athletic games will be held at Ithaca, May 11.

"The Cap and Gown," the first University of Chicago annual appeared last week.

The match between Mr. Fisher Ames's team and the five couples from the Harvard Whist Club resulted in a tie.


Columbia will hold handicap games at the Columbia Oval, New York, on May 4, which will be open to all amateurs.

A. G. Boswell, pitcher on last year's University of Pennsylvania nine, has signed with the New York league team.

The silver cup promised to Williams College last fall for scoring against the Yale eleven, has been formally presented.

"Cap," of the night car, is to be judge in a mock trial to be held in Lyceum Hall, April 22, for the benefit of the sick fund of the West End Railroad's employes. Tickets can be obtained at Leavitt's.
