
Special Notice.

"Always Strong and Happy," or "The Key to Health and Strength," by Professor John R. Judd is a work of peculiar interest to all students. It propounds the principles of hygiene, discloses the errors of overtraining and what makes it especially valuable, points out, from an experience of over thirty years, the path to a high and harmonious physical development.

Any one who has regard for the great principles of health can not help but get most invaluable ideas from this veteran trainer, the actual results of whose system have proven again and again their true worth.

He maintains most dogmatically the perfect physical condition that will result from following out his lines of exercise which might arouse skepticism were his own life not a living example. The Outing Publishing Co., New York. Price, $1.50.

Spaldings "League Guide" for 1895 has just been issued. It is the largest and most attractive edition of the Guide ever issued. The book has a new departure in its make-up in several new chapters, one of which is the record of every game played in the League championship arena during 1894, giving the name of each of the opposing pitchers in each contest. It is made specially attractive, too, by its pictorial contents, which include group pictures of all the League teams of 1894, with other champion teams outside the League. The articles on pitching, batting, fielding and base running, too, are instructive chapters, and that of the editorial comments is noteworthy. For an illustrated baseball manual the Guide for 1895 is a marvel of cheapness, its price for its 200 pages of matter being but 10 cents. It is the thirteenth yearly edition under the management of Mr. Henry Chadwick, whom the National League in 1894 placed on the roll of honorary membership of the organization.
