The following list of references which may be useful to contestants in the trial debate of Monday next has been prepared by a member of the Faculty:
Question: "Resolved, That the president's term should be increased to six years and that he be ineligible for re-election."
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, I, chapter viii ("Election of the President." - "Re-election of the President.") - James Bryce, American Commonwealth (3d edition), I, 44-51, 61-66, II, 131-140, 203-219. - Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, SS 1430-1449. - Edward Stanwood, Presidential Elections (especially on elections of 1796, 1804, 1812, 1832, 1864, 1872, 1888, 1892). - Woodrow Wilson, The State, SS 1047-1120. - Albert Bushnell Hart, Practical Essays on American Government, No. iii. - Lucy Salmon, History of the Appointing Power of the President (Papers of the American Historical Association, Vol. I). - John W. Burgess, Political Science. II, 241. - Constitution of the Confederate States of America of 1862 (Text in Alexander H. Stephens' War Between the States, II, 722-735. - Annual Cyclopaedia for 1862; Jefferson Davis, Confederate States Government, Appendix; Echoes from the South. - Discussion of their Constitution in Jefferson Davis, Confederate States Government, I, 200-247, 263-301; Pollard, Lost Cause, 90-92; P. C. Centz, Republic of Republics, 497-512; J. O. Draper, History of the Civil War, I, 528-537.
Additional references may be found through Poole's Index to Periodicals, and Supplements; and Fletcher's A. L. A. Index to Current Literature. (Try Election, President, Term).
Several books on the subject have been reserved and will be found on the English VI shelf in the Library.
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