In regard to the challenge of the Yale '96 baseball nine to play the junior of Harvard nothing definite has been decided.
The management has sent the following letter to the manager of the Yale nine:
"CAMBRIDGE, April 25, 1895.
"Manager of the '96 Baseball Team Yale College, New Haven: -
"DEAR SIR: - In reply to your challenge to play the Harvard '96 baseball nine I would say that at present we can make no definite arrangements. We shall however be able to tell in a few days whether or not we shall be able to play.
"The only possible date for us is on Saturday, May 11, when the 'varsity will be at Princeton.
"As to terms the only arrangement we would care to make will be to promise you three-quarters of the net gate receipts. I feel sure that the game would draw well and as it would also be well advertised I see no reason why you should not pay all your expenses from the gate.
"Yours truly,"E. ROSCOE MATHEWS,"Manager of the '96 Baseball Nine."
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The Freshman Nine.