
Boylston Prize Speakers.

Following is a list of the Boylston Prize Speakers and their subjects.

1. Clark H. Abbott '95 - Hamlet's Talk to the Players, Shakspeare.

2. Harold Ethelbert Addison '96.

3. Hector Louis Belisle '96 - An Overture of Peace from Napoleon, C. J. Fox.

4. Fritz von Briesen '95 - A Rajput Nurse, Edwin Arnold.


5. Henry Adsit Bull '95 - Supposed Speech of John Adams, D. Webster.

6. H. H. Chamberlain '95.

7. Philip R. Dean '96 - Thanatopsis, Bryant.

8. C. Dickinson '96 - New England in the War of 1812, Caleb Cushing.

9. Frederick August Donaldson - The Duty of the American Scholar, Geo. W. Curtis.

10. Harry Gaylord Dorman '96 - Horatius (abridged), Macaulay.

11. William P. Dutton '96 - Incident of the French Camp, Robt. Browning.

12. E. W. Forbes '95 - From the Commemoration Ode, J. R. Lowell.

13. M. G. Gonterman '96 - American Battle Flags, Carl Schurz.

14. F. W. Grinnell '95 - The Civil War in America, John Bright.

15. Emanuel Monie Grossman '96 - A Southerner's Tribute to Abraham Lincoln, Henry Watterson.

16. Loring Thayer Hildreth - Galileo Galilei, Ed. Everett.

17. Frank Lauren Hitchcock - Public Honors in Athens, Aeschines.

18. James Hewins - From Oration at 25th Anniversary of the Loyal Legion in 1890, Gen. Devens.

19. B. F. Hodge '95 - Flogging in the Navy, Robt. F. Stockton.

20. William E. Hutton '95 - Home Rule for Ireland, W. E. Gladstone.

21. Shirley Everton Johnson '95 - Daniel Webster, John D. Long.

22. D. King '95 - Nihilism, Wendell Phillips.

23. W. R. Lord '96 - Restoration to Warren Hastings, Burke.

24. J. F. McGrath '95.

25. W. Rodman Peabody '95 - Presentation of Statues to John Winthrop and Samuel Adams, G. F. Hoar.

26. Will Hall Riddle '95 - Extract from the Boy Orator of Tapata City, R. H. Davis.

27. L. J. Roess '95 - Speech in Memorial Hall, W. F. Bartlett.

28. C. A. Ross '96 - The Race Problem, H. A. Grady.

29. A. R. Sheriff '96 - Speech at Gettysburg, A. Lincoln.

30. F. H. Smith '96 - Daniel Webster, G. F. Hoar.

31. R. H. Starr - The Death Penalty, Victor Hugo.

32. Frank R. Steward '96 - On being found guilty of High Treason, R. Emmett.

33. Rufus W. Stimson - A Plea for General Robert Smalls, La Follette.

34. R. C. Thomas '96 - Minute Man of '76, G. W. Curtis.

35. A. C. Train '96 - The Defence of Lucknow, Tennyson.

36. W. M. Trotter '95 - Massachusetts, H. C. Lodge.

37. J. P. Warren '96 - Against Warren Hastings, R. B. Sheridan.

38. William F. Wilbour '96 - Woman's Rights, Wendell Phillips.

39. Earnest Porte Williams '95 - A Reply to Grady, Frederic Taylor.

40. William S. Youngman '95 - The Minute Man of '76, G. W. Curtis.
