Mrs. W. H. Ransford, of 22 Prescott street, can receive a few more boarders. A club table can also be accommodated. Highest University references.
53 6tECONOMICS 1. - Gentlemen desiring to review the first three books of Mill, either for the make-up mid-year or final examinations, will please communicate with me at once.
F. W. DALLINGER, 4 Stoughton.PARTY leaving Cambridge will dispose of desk and book-case cheap. Call before May first, 13 Follen street.
56 tfFOUND. - A pair of gold rimmed glasses with gold chain attached. Apply at CRIMSON office
tfAt the Tremont Theatre next week will be answered the query which seems to have set all Boston and its suburbs in a state of dangerous curiosity. It is a well-known physiological fact that many a man, and more women, have been made the victims of hypochondria, of forgetfulness regarding their debts, of illusions of the most aggravating and exciting sort, by curiosity. Now, it may be almost reprehensible in Mr. William Collier, and those who aid and abet him in this query, "Who is Jones?" Intellects have been shattered by questions of this sort and endeavors at their solution. The sphinx herself is much shattered after some 4,000 or more years of looking as if she wanted to ask some such question as (translated) "Who is (or was) Hetiogladus?" But fortunately Mr. William Collier will be at the Tremont Theatre next Monday night for a two week's engagement, and will then answer the question - the specific one - "Who is Jones?"
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