By the will of the late Leverett Saltonstall of the class of 1844, which was filed yesterday at the Middlesex Probate Court, the sum of $5,000 is left to Harvard College. The provisions of the bequest are: "The sum of $5,000 to be securely invested by the president and fellows of Harvard College, and the income thereof annually to be paid by them to one or more meritorious students, graduate or undergraduate of the University, and who may give decided promise of further usefulness; my descendants and those related to me by consanguinty, when they may be candidates, to be preferred.
"And I desire that if in the opinion of the president and fellows it should be desirable to aid a graduate student by an extended course of study at any foreign university, they may pay the income of this fund to such student for the term of one year.
"In memory of my late honored father, and of his devoted attachment to the university, I desire this to be named the "Leverett Saltonstall Scholarship."
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Letter from Wellesley.