MUSICAL selections from "Proserpina," the '95 Hasty Pudding Club Play, at Briggs and Briggs, Music Store, 1274 Massachusetts avenue, opp. College Library.
THACHER WANTED, next September in a collegiate school in New York city, a Harvard graduate and specialist, to teach Latin and Greek. Salary $900. Apply at once to Hiram Orcutt, Manager, N. E. Bureau of Education, 3 Somerset street, Boston.
53 2tStudents who attended the English play on admission tickets, and who would like to keep them as souvenirs, may obtain them of Mr. Eveleth, superintendent of grounds.
53 2tMrs. W. H. Ransford, of 22 Prescott street, can receive a few more boarders. A club table can also be accommodated. Highest University references.
53 6tFOUND. - A pair of gold rimmed glasses with gold chain attached. Apply at CRIMSON office
tfLOST. - $5 reward for notes of R. P. Bass in Philosophy 8. A black book with red leather trimmings; lost about two weeks ago. Return to Leavitt & Peirce.
54 2tTwo Clubs, also seats at a general table can be accommodated at Mrs. N. C. Carter's, 1200 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge.
54 2tBOARD. - A few seats at a general table. Also a room for club table. A fine suite of rooms, and single rooms, to let with board, transiently or permanently, to a family or students. Apply at 18 Sumner street.
50 6t
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