'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock sharp. Every man must come, and be prompt.
F. B. WHITTEMORE.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp.
E. WADSWORTH, Sec.LACROSSE. - Every man in college who has ever played or can handle the stick at all is urgently requested to be on the field, dressed to play, at 4 o'clock sharp every day this week. We play the "Bostons" on April 27th, University of N. Y. on May 3rd, and Stevens on May 4th. If we are to make a good showing in these games, it is absolutely necessary that we have two full teams out for practice every day.
R. H. E. STARR.CRIMSON. - There will be a meeting of the board this evening at seven o'clock sharp.
SHAKESPEARE CLUB. - There will be a meeting on Wednesday evening, April 24, in 50 Weld, at 7.30 o'clock. "King Henry IV," Part I, will be continued.
P. M. WHEELER, Sec.'95 BASEBALL NINE. - All those who took part in any of the class games last year please meet at Room 15, No. 5 Linden street, at 3.30 today to elect a captain.
I. S. ADAMS.STUDENT VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE. - Mr. Birtwell will be in Gray's 17 this morning from 9.30 till 12.30, to talk with men in regard to volunteer charity work.
CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - The regular Tuesday evening delegation will leave Harvard Square at 6.45 for the Davis Street Industrial Home. Any man in the University who is interested will be welcome on these delegations. When possible, names should be sent in advance to W. W. Comfort, 42 Hastings.
COM. ON CITY MISSIONS.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal at 7 p.m. to-night. It is absolutely necessary for every man to be on hand.
N. S. BACON, Sec'y.NINETY-SEVEN BASEBALL. - All candidates for the '97 baseball team be at Soldiers' Field dressed to play at 3.30 sharp this afternoon.
W. L. GARRISON.HARVARD ENGINEERING SOCIETY. - There will be a meeting of the Civil Engineering Section this evening at 7.30 in Weld 49.
WINSLOW H. HERSCHEL, Sec.ADVOCATE. - Literary committee meeting at 5 o'clock, at 18 Holyoke House.
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