

The 'Varsity's Order Unchanged. - Perkins '98 Stops Rowing.

The order of the 'varsity crew remained unchanged during the Easter vacation: Stroke, Hollister; 7, Fennessy; 6, Watriss; 5, R. H. Stevenson; 4, Shepard; 3, Damon; 2, Lewis; bow. Phelps. Phelps will probably continue to row bow until Capt. Bullard is able to begin rowing again. Lewis seems to have become somewhat of a fixture at No. 2. And it would indeed be strange if a man of his weight and experience in rowing should eventually prove too poor an oar to secure a place on the crew.

The general appearance which the crew presents on the river is good. The time and the watermanship are far ahead of last year's 'varsity crew at this time of year. There is as yet no apparent speed in the boat but it must be remembered that the development of the leg-work of the crew has no more than been begun. The crew has the watermanship and the good time of a fast crew and it is not too much to prophecy that it will soon have a drive with the legs which will mean speed.

It is finally announced that J. H. Perkins '98, will not row with any crew this spring. This step is taken in accordance with his physician's advice.

Junior Crew.The Junior Crew rowed the first four days of last week. Kales was absent during the whole week and C. Brewer stroked the crew. Brewer's place at No. 4 was taken alternately by Fox and Howland. The latter was substitute on last year's crew, and has been prevented from rowing before this year by a bad knee.


Yesterday the crew rowed for awhile in its old order, but later Howland was put in at No. 2, in the place of Frothingham.

The order of the crew was: Stroke, Kales; 7, Forbes; 6, Stillman; 5, Derby; 4, Brewer; 3, Fairchild; 2, Frothingham; (Howland); bow, Mann.

Considerable trouble is being experienced by the Junior Crew collectors. Although no new shell has been purchased, some repairs had to be made on the one purchased from the 'Varsity. The cost of the repairs together with the sum paid for the shell, besides money for the training table expenses, must be raised at once.

Freshman Crew.Yesterday the order of the Freshman crew was: Stroke, H. Adams; 7, Fuller; 6, Seaver; 5, Ames; 4, Scully; 3, Jennings; 2, Rice; bow, Hurley. Goodrich was away for the day.

Sophomore Crew.The Ninety-seven crew did not row at all yesterday, but spent the time in rigging the new shell. As yet it is impossible to judge the value of the new boat, and nothing can be determined until the crew takes a time row. The boat is unusually steady, but whether it is fast or not is not yet known.

The crew is still in urgent need of funds and unless the members of the class lend more generous support, the crew will have to dispense with a training table.
