

A New Change in the Order of the Crew. Only Ten Men Left.

Mr. Watson was away yesterday, and the 'Varsity crew rowed without a coach. The order of the crew was again changed. Bullard and Fennessy both rowed in the stern of the boat, Bullard at stroke and Fennessy at number seven. Watriss is out of town for a few days. His place was taken temporarily by Lewis. The number of candidates has been further reduced to ten. The following is the order: Stroke, Bullard; 7, Fennessy; 6, Hollister; 5, Stevenson; 4, Lewis; 3, Jennings; 2, Shepard; bow, Damon. This is one of a number of changes in the crew made during the past week in the effort to find quickly and finally the most effective combination of the men.
