

Prominent Candidates, Ages and Weight of the Men in their Present Order.

With8 the formation of the training table for the Yale crew the past week the composition of the eight is practically assured, although the positions the candidates will hold in the boat in the Harvard race are not yet settled.

The usual 14 oarsmen have been retained to remain at work till after the Easter vacation, which begins on April 10. Daily shake-ups in the boat are the rule, but during the Easter week's training three or four graduate coachers will spend all their time with the crew, and the candidates will be kept on the water a great part of the time.

It is possible that one promising candidate will be selected from the freshman boat and placed on the 'varsity squad, and perhaps one member of the 'varsity candidates be dropped, but not more than a single change will be made in the list now registered in training. The oarsmen now at work are: Armstrong (captain), Treadway, Cross, Dater, Longacre, Beard, Holcomb, Miller, Wheelwright, Coonley, Langford, Simpson, Judd and Bailey. Of this number, Armstrong, Treadway, Holcomb, Beard, Dater and Cross were in the last year's boat, and all but Cross bid fair to hold their positions. He has increased in weight tremendously, tipping the scales at about 200, and his oarsmanship is not as clean this year as last.

Of the new men, Miller, Wheelwright, Langford, Coonley, Simpson, Judd and Bailey, the most promising oar seems to be Langford, a freshman. He has stroked the crew part of the time the past two weeks. Simpson stroked the freshman crew last year, and has stroked the 'varsity a fortnight since the boat was made up in January. He is a promising dark horse for stroke this year. Bailey, up to three weeks ago, was considered the most promising candidate for 'varsity stroke. At that time he was taken ill with varioloid, and since his return has been very weak. His illness seems sure to cost him the position of stroke, and it may lose him a seat in the boat. Dater is the latest aspirant for stroke honors. Miller was stroke for a fortnight, but last Monday was pulled out of the boat by Percy Bolton and Josh Hartwell, and has not yet been reseated.

The technical trouble with the boat seems to be that the weight is unevenly distributed, the waist being loaded down with 200-pounders and the ends with light-weights. This will lead to a more general shake-up during the Easter vacation than has yet been experienced. The boat moves rather evenly, but it seems impossible to get up a high rate of speed.



Position. Name. Age. Wt.

Bow, Armstrong (capt.) 20 5 8 160

2 Holcomb, 22 5 9 178

3 Beard, 19 5 9 178

4 Longacre, 24 5 10 183

5 Dater, 22 6 1 184

6 Cross, 20 6 2 199

7 Treadway, 21 6 0 178

Stroke, Langford, 20 5 9 159


Wheelwright, 175

Miller, 175

Bailey, 175

Judd, 175

Simpson, 155

Coonley, 165

It is expected that hereafter some graduate oarsmen will be present twice a week to direct the work. The main coachers this year will be Percy R. Bolton, John Rogers, J. A. Hartwell and S. B. Ives.
