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To the Editors of the Crimson:
It was a pleasure to nearly all Harvard men that the undergraduates showed themselves possessed of such self-control at the time of the recent vote of the Faculty. Any expressions of opinion at that time was likely to have been repented of later. Likewise any mass meeting was likely to have given a chance for the hot-headed, and so have done more harm than good.
Still many men are anxious that the opinions of graduates and undergraduates should be given consideration. The Faculty look at the matter from one point of view, and what they do is done with sincerity, but still not with complete wisdom. The graduates and undergraduates look at the matter from other points of view, and they should be heard. It would be better for all parties. The Faculty did the unfortunate thing of taking what was practically final action the first thing. This put them in a position where it was of no use to submit evidence or appeals to them. They must be consistent.
Now the Corporation and Overseers are not in this position. To appeal to them may be of some use. Why should not the appeal be made? Evidence could be given of the sincerity among football men in their plans for reform; and it could be shown that it will be bad for the University either to abolish the game altogether, or to stop it one year and then let it go on. There would be a great loss to the athletic interests which even the Faculty ought to recognize. The opinion is general, and probably not unfounded, that many members of the Faculty favor "giving back" the game in a year or two, thinking that the punishment will ensure thorough-going reforms.
It seems to me that this is the course which has the most probabilities about it, and the most sensible thing which can be done now is to urge against it. What I would like to propose is this: that the presidents of the three upper classes and a number of graduates and undergraduates to serve as a committee representative of the athletic interests, which committee should draw up a statement of the reasons why the Faculty vote, if allowed to prevail, would do harm to the University and have this statement signed by the influential graduates and undergraduates who should sympathies with the protest. The statement could then be presented to the Corporation and Overseers and might have a good deal of weight. If it didn't what could?
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