
Special Notice.

MRS. W. C. WHITE of 10 Appian Way will form a general table immediately after the Easter vacation. Club and training tables given first class table board.

FOUND. - A pair of gold rimmed glasses with gold chain attached. Apply at CRIMSON office

tfA novel change in the usual class of attractions at the Hollis has been made for the week of April 15, when a most magnificent minstrel organization, under the direction of Primrose and West will hold the boards. Over 70 artists comprise the company, and an entire train of special cars is necessary to transport the company and scenery. The engagement is for one week only, and Wednesday, Saturday and an extra matinee on Lexington Day will be given.

ON Monday next, April 15, "A Trip to Chinatown," conceded to be one of Hoyt's cleverest pieces of work will begin a two weeks' engagement at the Tremont Theatre. The only changes made in the piece since it was last seen here are the songs, dances, etc., and the costuming, which will be entirely new. The leading roles will be assumed by Harry Conor, the original Well and Strong; Geraldine McCann, who will appear as the dashing young widow; Harry Gilfoil, the famous whistling soloist, who takes the part of the waiter, and George Richards, who will be seen in the character of Ben Gay. Other members of the company are Effie Atherton Par, Sadie Kirby, Margarel MacDonald, Cora Tinny, Julius Whitmark, Richard Carl, and the peerless little American dancer, Bessie Clayton. The musical numbers, which form a strong feature in all of Hoyt's comedies, are new this season, and embrace the following variety of selections: "Her Eyes Don't Shine Like Diamonds," "Grandma's Advice," "Then Say Good Bye," "She is a Daisy," "Call Me Back," "Won't You be My Big Baby?" and "Keep a-Knockin," and Whistling Extraordinary.

LOST. - About one week ago a Wirt fountain pen, chased barrel. Finder please leave at Crimson Office and receive reward.


FOR SALE. - Victor Bicycle, 1894 model, bought about July 1; cost $125, will sell for $65. Address, "A B C," care of CRIMSON.

BOARD. - A few seats at a general table. Also a room for club table. A fine suite of rooms, and single rooms, to let with board, transiently or permanently, to a family or students. Apply at 18 Sumner street.

50 6tDANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's dancing class, Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Address, corner of Main and Inman streets. Private lessons.
