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While the present status of the football question is such as to make any prediction of the exact course of events, either this spring or next fall, ill-advised if not, indeed, impossible, it may be said with certainty that any such procedure on the part of Harvard as that so confidently outlined in the Boston Herald of yesterday, is entirely opposed to the sentiment of the undergraduates, and was, we believe, not contemplated for one moment by those to whose influence the recent change in the situation is due.

If Harvard plays football next year, it will be on condition that the rules of the game will be so modified as to meet the approval of the Athletic Committee and while we believe that such modifications may be made with the cooperation of Yale, yet even if there should not be perfect agreement between the two universities on all points, we do not believe that Yale would refuse to meet Harvard on account of the adoption of a certain set of rules, if their adoption was the sole condition on which Harvard could place a university team in the field.
