
Last Vesper Service of the Year.

The last Vesper Service of the year will be held in Appleton Chapel this afternoon at 5 o'clock. Bishop J. H. Vincent of Topeka, Kansas, will conduct the service.

The following anthems will be sung by the choir: "And it Was the Third Hour," by Sir George Elvey; Even Song, by H. R. Shelley; "O, Salutaris," by J. Faure. The soloists will be F. W. Thomas, L. S., C. H. Porter, Jr., Div., D. C. Greene, Jr. '95, and E. M. Waterhouse '97.

Seats will be reserved for members of the faculty and for students until ten minutes of five.

Students unaccompanied should enter at the south door; members of the faculty at the north door.
