The 'varsity baseball practice yesterday consisted simply of batting. The rain had so softened the diamond that it was impossible to play on it and Colonel Winslow took advantage of the opportunity to instruct the players in his system of batting.
Colonel Winslow believes that the bat should be grasped by the right hand as though the bat was to be swung by that hand alone. The left hand is merely to direct, while all the force of the blow should come from the right hand. The first principle of this system is that there shall be no swinging of the bat. The arms must be straightened at the same instant the step forward to meet the ball is taken. The ball ought to be met in front of the base and the bat should always be parallel to the ground. Above everything the bat must be held firmly.
This method of batting is particularly effective against a swift pitcher, where any swing to speak of is impossible.
Colonel Winslow said that the players might find this method of batting somewhat awkward at first, but that after a few days practice they would become accustomed to it and then the good results would become evident.
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