
Special Notice.

THE second week of Mr. John Drew's engagement at the Hollis begins March 11 and is certain to be a great event theatrically and will partake of the nature of a social function as well. Since he first became a star, three seasons ago, he has rapidly forged to the front, until he stands in the position of a leading American actor who produces American plays and with American companies. His art is such that there can be no denial of his success, and every play that he has produced has been noted, not alone for its literary merit, but for a beauty and completeness of production that are certainly remarkable. Mr. Drew is an earnest student and all his work has the marks of careful preparation as well as of natural talent. During the past week at the Hollis in "The Bauble Shop" he has won golden opinions, and his second week will undoubtedly be fully as successful. Before the termination of his engagement he will be seen in one, and possibly two, new characters, which will undoubtedly excite great interest.

MR. FRED W. WHITAKER, of Whitaker & Co., Tailors, 43 Conduit street, London, W., has arrived at Young's Hotel, Boston, with special samples for spring and summer. He will be there until March 9. Appointments by letter. Hotel hours 8 to 11 a. m., 4.30 to 7 p. m. 6 18t

THE Kneisel Quartette will give the annual series of three concerts of chamber music in Brattle Hall, Cambridge, on Wednesday evening, March 27, Monday evening, April 15 and Tuesday evening, April 23. The subscription list is now open at Sever's University Bookstore. 21 2t
