
Special Notice.

A NEW book, "Uncle Sam's Church," has just appeared which bids fair to have a national success, The author, John Bell Bouton, considers the impossibility of a State religion, and advocates a National Patriotic Cult to take its place. To secure this new patriotism the people must have every day patriotic inspirations. The placing of the Federal Constitution and the Declaration of Independence in every post office, the free distribution by Congress of tracts on the lives of Washington (including his Farewell Address), Adams, Madison and Monroe, is but one of the methods to further this cult. The facilities which congress has for doing this work well and at the same time cheaply are thoroughly explained by the author. The plan is not only possible but can not help appealing to every true American. Lamson, Wolffe & Co., Publishers, Boston.

THE second and last week of the engagement of Mrs. Potter and Mr. Bellew at the Columbia will begin March 11, and will undoubtedly be a repetition of the complete success during the past week. Mrs. Potter will be seen at her best as an emotional actress, and Mr. Bellew will also have excellent opportunities for showing the quality that is in him. The bill will be the younger Dumas's comedy of "Francillon" on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. The comedy has been seen in Boston before, with both Mrs. Potter and Mr. Bellew in it, and was, in fact, one of their earlier successes. The Wednesday and Saturday matinees will be devoted to "Camille," and Mrs. Potter's impersonation of the heroine will be watched with keen interest. Some three years ago Zola's "Therese" was a portion of the Potter-Bellew repertoire, and in response to the popular demand this powerful play will be given one performance, and that will be Saturday night, the last of the engagement.

MR. A. K. P. HAYDEN is to give his second annual dancing party in Odd Fellow's Hall, Cambridgeport, this evening. All college men are invited. Tickets are one dollar, and can be had at the door.

MR. FRED W. WHITAKER, of Whitaker & Co., Tailors, 43 Conduit street, London, W., has arrived at Young's Hotel, Boston, with special samples for spring and summer. He will be there until March 9. Appointments by letter. Hotel hours 8 to 11 a. m., 4.30 to 7 p. m.

6 18tTHE Kneisel Quartette will give the annual series of three concerts of chamber music in Brattle Hall, Cambridge, on Wednesday evening, March 27, Monday evening, April 15 and Tuesday evening, April 23. The subscription list is now open at Sever's University Bookstore.


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