
Revision of Football Rules.

N. E. Associated Press.

NEW HAVEN, CONN., March 6. - Walter Camp, secretary of the Intercollegiate Football Advisory Committee, said this afternoon that at the annual meeting of the advisory committee held in New York last week, it was voted to make vigorous changes in the rules for the coming season. The details have not been decided upon, but it is understood that a series of meetings similar to those held last year under the auspices of the University Club of New York will take place. Messrs. Camp and Alexander Moffatt, representing respectively Yale and Princeton, the two remaining colleges in the Intercollegiate Association, have formulated a letter which will be sent to the various captains of teams in the country asking them to meet the committee at an adjourned meeting which will be held in two weeks. The committee have secured the opinions of Captains Thorne of Yale, Brewer of Harvard, Lea of Princeton, Williams of University of Pennsylvania, and seek others.
