Preparations for the production of Ben Jonson's "Silent Woman" are rapidly progressing. The text which will be followed has been edited by Mrs. Abby Sage Richardson. An important change has been made in the cast, in that the parts which were taken by women in the New York performance will be taken by men in the performance to be given in Sanders Theatre.
The "gallants," or "fops," will be college men. There will be fifteen or twenty of them who will probably be trained by Mr. G. P. Baker.
The seats in the pit of the theatre will be removed and the stage extended. This will leave about one thousand seats which will probably be put on sale the end of this week. Arrangements will be made so that members of the University will have the first opportunity of obtaining seats. The remaining seats, if any, will be sold at public sale.
If the production of this play is successful, it is possible that some Elizabethan play will be given next year under the direction of the Department of English, in which the parts will be taken by college men.
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