
Special Notice.

MR. FRED W. WHITAKER, of Whitaker & Co., Tailors, 43 Conduit street, London, W., has arrived at Young's Hotel, Boston, with special samples for spring and summer. He will be there until March 9. Appointments by letter. Hotel hours 8 to 11 a. m., 4.30 to 7 p. m.

6 18tTHAT most talented of comedians, Mr. John Drew, supported by an unusually excellent comedy company, including Miss Maud Adams, began a four weeks' engagement at the Hollis Street Theatre Monday, March 4. The first week of Mr. Drew's engagement will be devoted to "The Bauble Shop," his new play from the pen of Henry Arthur Jones. Mr. Drew will also be seen in another new piece, the work of Madeline Lucette, and entitled "Christopher, Jr." as well as in a brilliant revival of his last season's success, "The Butterflies," and other plays. Mr. Drew stands foremost in the rank of light comedians, nor is it hard to explain the cause of his unquestionable popularity. He delivers his comedy lines in a rich, nonchalant manner that is characteristic of society men, club men, and men about town. His success is due in a measure to the fact that there does not seem to be any actor at present who can reproduce this manner in the same degree of naturalness that Mr. Drew imparts to every character he assumes. Everything he says and does in modern comedy roles seems so spontaneous that the spectators become oblivious to the fact that he is merely acting a part.

LESSONS IN FOIL FENCING. - Instruction given in foil fencing to new beginners, at moderate prices.

Apply at 5 Hilliard St. for terms and particulars. Also lessons on the violin given by a competent teacher.

7 5tTWO clubs can be accommodated; also seats at a general table at



14 3t

1200 Mass. avenue.DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's dancing class, Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Address, corner of Main and Inman streets. Private lessons.
