
Special Notice.

TUTORING in Greek, Latin, Chemistry B and German A.

M. L. BRUUER, Gr.Address 16 Gerry street. (Shall be in Harvard 3 from 7 to 10 p. m.)

36-6tSPALDING'S Official Base Ball Guide for 1895 is out today. The Guide is edited by the veteran Henry Chadwick, and is the most valuable statistical book and reference guide ever issued. This year's book is larger than ever, and contains 21 half-tone page pictures of all the leading baseball teams of the country. The new rules are published in full. This year's Guide should be in the hands of all the cranks. Price, 10 cents, from any news-dealer.

FOR SALE. - Chestnut Cob, Cart and Harness. Will sell all or separate. Can be seen at 15 Church St.

M. BREEN, Coachman.THE spring flower show of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society is very attractive. It is at Horticultural Hall, Tremont street, and closes Friday of this week.


38-2tDu MAURIER'S TRILBY gained a decided success and Sam. A. Beckhard's Trilby scarf, as worn by Trilby and the three "Musketeers of the Brush" is naturally all the go. See it at 70 Tremont street, Parker House.
