
Junior Dinner.

The committee have made final arrangements for the junior dinner which, as has already been stated, will take place at the Vendome April 4. As many of the men who will be present are on various athletic teams and are consequently in training, the dinner will commence promptly at seven o'clock in order that these men will not be obliged to leave before the dinner is over.

The following speakers have been chosen to respond to the various toasts: Toast-master, E. M. Hurley; Football, A. H. Bremer; Crew, J. R. Bullard, Jr.; Press, E. R. Matthews; Literary, J. A. Gade. R. M. Townsend will read the poem and H. E. Addison will also speak. Gott's orchestra will furnish music throughout the dinner and a double quartette of '96 men from the 'Varsity Glee Club will sing.

The committee again urge all men to sign the blue-book as soon as possible, and not wait till the last moment.
