[N. E. Associated Press.]
PRINCETON, N. J., March 27. - The first intercollegiate debate between Harvard and Princeton in the history of the two universities, was held at Princeton's new Commencement building tonight at 8 o'clock. The question was: "Resolved, That if it were possible a reasonable property qualification for the exercise of the municipal franchise in the United States would be desirable."
The choice of sides was left to the Harvard committee and they chose the negative. Each speaker was allowed one speech of twelve minutes; twelve minutes was then allowed each side for rebuttal. This arrangement was a compromise between Princeton's idea of each speaker being allowed a second speech and Harvard's desire that each man should speak but once.
General Horace Porter, who presided, was introduced by President Patton amid great applause. Gen. Porter then made a short speech.
Willis Howard Butler of New York City opened the debate for Princeton. The speech was introductory and the different interpretations of the question were discussed. The true construction being clearly defined, Mr. Butler pronounced the question a purely hypothetical one which did not affect the form of republican government. He then touched on the present evils and presented the present low state of city government as a question requiring solution.
Clyde Augustus Duniway opened the negative for Harvard and affirmed the real practical nature of the question. He admitted that evils do exist, but denied the efficacy of the method proposed in the question. He then presented opinions of many prominent city officials and laid the blame to the neglect of the well to do citizens. The point followed that a property qualification would not awaken these better classes to any better sense of their duty to their city and its welfare.
Howard Erskine White next spoke and said that the question, although it bore directly on practical matters, was by its statement, hypothetical. He affirmed the advantages of the system from the standpoint of equity and experience. Men by their inability to come up to the property qualification show their incapability to take part in government.
William Edward Hutton made the second speech for Harvard. He claimed that the evils which exist have no vital connection with a broader franchise. He cited Berlin with 13 per cent. of men of voting age denied the franchise and New York 26 per cent. He claimed that $500 worth of property or the paying of annual rent of $250 would be a reasonable qualification amount.
Joseph Wm. Park made the last of Princeton's first speeches. He devoted his speech to affirmative argument, leaving his rebuttal till the second speech. He drew analogies from European cities which have property qualifications and better city government. He put the question to a test of expedience.
"It is not expedient that the pauper shall vote away other people's money." Mr. Park's points were brought out with force and clearness and received resounding applause.
Fletcher Dobyns made the last of the main speeches and closed the constructive part of the debate.
The rebuttal was an interesting sparring match over points vital and visionary. The judges, Rev. Dr. David Greer, Hon. George L. Rives and Professor George Chase, gave the decision to Harvard.
When the decision was announced the crowd gave tripple cheers for Harvard and the students went out on the campus to sing the college glees. The more fortunate adjourned to the banquet which took place immediately after. The spacious dining rooms of the Princeton Inn were festooned with colors of the two universities and everything was arranged in a way suggestive of the generous rivalry between the crimson and the orange and black. There were 75 professors, alumni and friends of the two colleges.
The feast was an elegant one. Henry E. Alexander, an enthusiastic favorite with Princeton undergraduates, acted as president of the feast. After a pointed but brief address Mr. Alexander introduced Lloyd McK. Garrison, who responded to the toast "Harvard." Probably no Harvard speaker ever appeared more favorably before a Princeton audience. General Horace Porter then spoke on "The men of letters in the world." Gen. Porter's speech was brilliant, witty and full of pleasantries. Professor William M. Sloane responded to the toast "The debate." Professor Henry F. Osborne made the last speech on "Intercollegiate contests." Prof. Osborne's remarks abounded in pleasant comparisons of contests on the rostrum, the diamond and the gridiron.
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