The Banjo Club is now making rapid improvement, under the leadership of J. M. Little, Jr., '97. Notwithstanding the fact that the majority of the men are novices, the club already plays with a precision and snap which is unusual at this time of year. Of the three parts, the banjeaurines are the poorest; they lack the expression and softness of touch required. This will no doubt be remedied before the first concert, which takes place at the University Club in Boston on April 6th.
The following men are now playing with the club: -
Banjeaurines - J. M. Little, Jr., '97, A. Hildreth '96, J. K. Emmott '95, S. Kimberly '97, E. D. Mulford '97, E. L. Millard '98, F. T. Case '98, N. Perkins '98, S. S. Hinds '98, R. B. Flersham '98.
Banjos - A. S. Knudsen '96, J. Harrison '96, M. Lincoln '96, M. Washburn '95, M. E. Stone '97, F. F. Lamson '97.
Guitars - J. L. Bremer '96, A. Sheriff '96, W. B. Johnston '97, H. T. Hooper '98, H. E. Pickering '97, D. J. Fales '97 and J. de K. Towner '98.
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